15 November 2011

The Greatest Task of Mine!

Welcome fellow facebookers, twitterers and bloggers!!!

I have a huge task ahead of me and I'm hoping that you will help me.
I'm trying to fit one bed apartment in to one, 65 L... backpack...
impossibe?? I'll keep trying, i know it's a difficult task, but I came up with an idea. I've decided to let go of all stuff that don't fit in to the backpack!! simple!!

if you want to be a new owner of the items below just give me a shout and we can struck a deal:)

I'm still going through my stuff so I'll post more items shortly!
Thank you in advance for looking!! :) if you know someone who is looking for something like this feel free to spread the love!!

All the best!!

  • more than 25 wooden hangers - the best quality stuff ;)
  • 100 Great Cities of The World - Book - i can send you a photo if interested
  • Philips World Atlas - Book - I can send you a photo if interested.