25 January 2012

Melbourne and Australian Open

Visiting Melbourne wouldn't be complete without attending a major summer event in here. There is a lot of going on in this city all year around but we were lucky, as usual ;p to be here during Australian Open!

Pobyt w Melbourne bez doswiadczenia zadnej letniej sportowej imprezy jest wrecz karygodne ;) Przez cale lato ciagle sie cos dzieje w tym miescie. My mielismy okazje oraz szczescie by byc tutaj podczas Australian Open.

We bought one day ticket for something like $25 per person, which allowed us to see all the games except two main arenas, Rod Lewer and Hisense Arena.

Kupilismy dzienny bilet za $25 dolarow, ktory pozwala wejsc na kazdy kort z wyjatkiem dwoch glownych aren, Rod Lewer oraz Hisense, na ktore trzeba kupic osobne bilety.

We got there early to make the most of it and we saw few tennis stars as well. First of all we've seen our Polish double playing some Spaniards.

Bylismy tam wczesnie, zaraz po otwarciu bram by zobaczyc jak najwiecej. Pierwszy mecz ktroy zobaczylismy to mecz naszego debla przeciwko hiszpanom.

While we were watching them, we heard some grouting behind our court, very recognizable and specific to one of the eastern European ladies. As it turned out, Victoria Azarenko was warming up with some one. That scream which you hear in the TV it's nothing comparing to reality!!

Podczas tego meczu, slyszelismy dziwne kobiece stekanie gdzies za nami, bardzo charakterystyczne. Okazalo sie ze byla to "jakas bialorusinka" Victoria Azarenko, rozgrzewajaca sie na bocznym korcie. To stekanie w TV jest niczym w porownaniu do rzeczywistosci!

Ok going back to our team, they were easily beating their opponents so we made our way to Arena 2. Our friends advised us to pick our spots for the whole day and don't leave them, because it's bloody difficult to get back on the stadium. Some people were queuing for more than 2 hours just to get to the arena. So this is a free advice, pick your arena and stick with it. :)

Wracajac do naszych rodakow, gladko wygrywali swoj mecz wiec przenieslismy sie na Arena 2. Nasi znajomi doradzali by zajac sobie miejsce na stadionie na caly dzien i nie zmieniac aren. Poniewaz jest bardzo trudno wrocic, niektorzy czekali nawet 2 godziny by moc wejsc na Arena 2. Tak wiec z rana, zadecydujcie gdzie chcecie siedziec i badzcie tam wczesnie.

First game at this arena was between Cirstea and Errani (she won the ladies doubles I found out later). Second game was between Ferrer (world no.5) and Juan Chela. Very interesting game and it was good to see tennis on very high level. The last game we saw was Tomic(AUS) and Janovic (SRB) easily beating some young champions from last year Junior Australian Open.

Pierwszy mecz ktory zobaczilismy byl pomiedzy Cirstea oraz Errani (ta ostatnia wygrala debla kobiet, jak sie pozniej okazalo). Drugi mecz byl pomiedzi Davidem Ferrerem (nr 5) oraz Juan Chela. To byl bardzo interesujacy mecz na bardzo dobrym poziomie. Ostatni mecz ktory widzielismy na tym obiekcie byl mix debel pomiedzy Tomic'em i Janovic ktorzy gladko pokonali mlodych australijczykow (Mistrzow Australian Open mlodzikow z tamtego roku)

After those long 7 hours we finally moved away from the arena to explore the whole complex. It's nicely set up, with two big screens where you can watch the main arena games, music scene where you can listen to live music and lots sponsor shops. One very good thing from organization point of view is that you can leave the complex and come back as many times as you like. Once you scan your ticket in and out. That's very handy.

Po 7 godzinach na stadionie opuscilismy wreszcie Arene by zobaczyc caly obiekt, jak to jest wszystko zorganizowane. W dwoch miejscach sa wielkie ekrany gdzie pokazuja glowne mecze, scena gdzie graja koncerty przez caly dzien oraz sporo sklepow sponsorskich, gdzie mozna zdobyc darmowe gadzety i upominki. Jedna rzecz ktora zwrocila moja uwage pod wzgledem organizacji to to iz mozna wyjsc i wrocic na stadion przez caly dzien, jak tylko ma sie bilet. 

All over the city the main topic of al activities and conversations was tennis. On Federation Square there is a huge screen where you can watch tennis all the time. That's the place where we watched few games. Stock up with some food and you can sit on the few available chairs or on the ground for as long as you like. This is where we watched Djokovic and Hewitt then Djokovic and Murray game until 12:30am (felt like on the stadium - great atmosphere) and then final Djokovic with Nadal. Some part of it at the Fed and some in our room. That was long match!!!

W calym miescie glownym tematem podczas Australian Open jest oczywiscie tenis. Na Federation Square umieszczony jest olbrzymi ekran gdzie tenis mozna ogladac caly dzien. W tym miejscu spedzilismy wiele wieczorow ogladajac tenis na najwyzszym poziomie. Zaopatrzeni w zywnosc siedzielismy na krzeselkach lub na ziemi do pozna w nocy. Tutaj wlasnie ogladalismy wszystkie mecze Djokovica, najpierwsz przeciwko Hewittowi, Murrayowi a pozniej final z Nadalem. Final obejrzelismy polowe na Fed a polowe w hotelu, bowiem to byl naprawde dlugi mecz!

We've stayed in Melbourne a week longer just to see the finals on Fed and to celebrate the Australia Day and Chinese New Year of Dragon. Plenty reasons to stay longer.

Zostalismy w Melbourne o tydzien dluzej niz planowalismy wlasnie by zobaczyc final Australian Open na Fed oraz by zobaczyc Australia Day a takze doswiadczyc Chinskiego Nowego Roku. Tutaj naprawde dzieje sie sporo wiec i powodow sporo by zostac.

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